Home > February progress and a little more about me.

February progress and a little more about me.

March 13th, 2013 at 06:29 pm

2009 Hosp Bill----------paid off-
Building Supply---------paid off-
Farm Supply-------------paid off-
Truck-------------------paid off-
Unsec Bank 1---------------84.43
MIL Nursing Home----------263.00
2012 Hosp Bill------------382.75
Tire Store----------------518.96
Loan from Work------------559.85
Unsec Bank 2--------------605.76
Property Taxes----------2,901.83
GE Credit---------------4,287.44
R Cap One---------------5,075.98
Annual Tractor----------5,880.00
Student Loan------------6,213.95
10 Acre Farm------------7,434.24
K Cap One---------------8,020.07
Home Loan--------------18,546.42
72 Acre Farm----------219,202.44

New Balance:-----------407,917.31
Paid in Feb:-------------4,556.61
Paid since Nov 1:-------18,463.49

I am accountant by trade Smile

I often wonder how in the world I let us get in this mess. I just have to laugh to keep from crying sometimes. I worked in public accounting for many years and all was good...but after a couple years with no raise and no chance of moving up, I was getting very burned out. My health and mental well being began to take a hit from all the stress. After a complete hysterectomy (with a cancer scare) in 09, taking care of my ill mother in law, an incisional hernia surgery in 2010, I changed jobs. It was still in a financial capacity, but it was for just one company instead of 20 different ones. I was so tired of all that...and I let our own personal finances get out of control in the meantime. We let our DS put us in some very tough situations when we should have said no....many times, we should have said no! But we didn't. It didn't help him at all and it certainly hurt us. I could go through that list of debts and put a star next to several of them that are attributable to him and our not being able to tell him NO. Thankfully, he is much more settled now, but we are still paying for the mistakes we made with him by not saying NO. How I wish I had found Dave earlier....

February...sold 11 calves, filed the taxes the last week of the month. Actually got the state refund by the end of the month. Paid the payment on the 10 acre property, finished paying off the farm supply and the truck...whoooo hoooo!. Hubby has some money put back for farm operations. Paid off the building supply which was part farm and part expense for rental property. Paid the 2 months interest on our home loan for the payment due March 13th.

Had to have a repairman come out to the rental trailer and repair a cracked tub ($450 repair). Shew, it's always something. I am going to try again to persuade hubby to put that property on the market. I know it would help us in more ways than one.

Will have quite a bit of extra snowflake income the next month and half with the small tax prep client base I have. The Federal refund will be coming, too. We are two months behind on the Farm/Rental loan so first thing is to get that caught up, then the baby emergency fund and start a savings account for irregular bills that are due quarterly or annually (insurance, taxes, tires & maintenance, annual vet visit, Christmas and Meds and Medical co-pays) and the more charges to the credit cards!!! As Phil Robertson would say..."now we're cooking with peanut oil"....getting some major traction.

This has been quite lengthy...sorry about that, but I think my blog is now up to date and I will come back and update again, at least by the first of April with figures for March.

Thanks for joining me so far on our Journey.

3 Responses to “February progress and a little more about me.”

  1. snafu Says:

    Whatever the cause, or whatever the choice, you can give yourself a giant pat-on-the-back for making serious financial progress. You're tackling debt and not making excuses having sliced about $18,500. since November 2012. Happy to cheer you on

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Congratulations on your progress in the last few months. It will be fun to see where you go from here!

  3. wowitsawonderfullife Says:

    You should be very proud of yourself. Not just in paying down the debt but in your awareness of why debt happened and your plans to clear some of it.

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