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First I really doing this???

March 12th, 2013 at 07:01 pm

YES! I have to. I have had no wiggle room in our budget for a very long time. You would think that since the kids are now out on their own, that things would be better financially, but I am still paying the bills for spoiling them when they were home....buying things we couldn't afford with money we didn't have.

Back in October of last year, I was looking for a radio station to listen to Rush on when it was getting down to the last weeks of the Presidential campaign and I happened across this guy named Dave Ramsey...his show came on before Rush's on the particular station I found and since I was at work, and things were busy, I didn't really pay a lot of attention those first few days. Eventually, hearing someone scream on the radio that they were "debt free" finally did get my attention. Wow...could it really be possible? In this day and time, can people actually be debt free??

I want this very badly. I want for my DH to be able to farm full time, which is his dream. I dream of being able to leave something for my children and grandchildren someday. So, these are our long-term goals.

As I have heard it said before, a dream without a plan is just a fantasy. For the past few months, I have been on a planning frenzy...doing research on the net(how I ended up here), writing everything down, going through it all with a fine tooth comb...some of it has been almost sickening, but it has most definitely been a huge eye-opener. When all the numbers were added up, the total debt was over did we let this happen??? A big chunk of that is farm debt, but debt nonetheless.

In the coming days, I will bring my blog up to date with where we are now and the accomplishments we have had so far.

16 Responses to “First I really doing this???”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Welcome to SA! Sounds like you will have plenty to write about. I started blogging on this same date 5 years ago. Smile

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    Welcome! I started my journey 5 or 6 years ago with over $400K in debt too! I now have it down to less than $275K. You can do this!

  3. Beawealthywarrior Says:

    You can definitely have a debt free life now that you have a plan! It may not be easy in the beginning but stick with it! I'm a Dave Ramesy follower and his plan lays it out step by step. Good luck!

  4. twest Says:

    Welcome to SA! You will find a very supportive group here. We will be cheering you on! You definitely can do this.

  5. Bob B. Says:

    I came here about 2 1/2 years ago. I've eliminated $22K of unsecured debt since then. Planning on having all CC debt cleared up by Sept. or before. The SA community is definitely a big part of my success. I've found that the forums can be very helpful, too. I think of the blog side as the cheerleaders, and the forums as the coach, but, that's just me.

  6. ktrix66 Says:

    Thank you all for the warm welcome. I feel like I know some of you already as I have read through many of your blogs and have been inspired to be a blogger instead of a lurker...Thanks again!

  7. Looking Forward Says:

    Welcome! Smile

  8. pretty cheap jewelry Says:

    writing is definitely therapeutic, maybe it makes it more real
    I usually put up bits about running my small biz on a shoestring
    (and parenting some)

  9. mjrube94 Says:

    Good luck! I look forward to following your journey!

  10. MissAngel Says:


  11. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Welcome! I am looking forward to reading more on your financial journey!

  12. North Texas Mommy Says:

    Welcome! I am a newbie poster long time lurker!

  13. LuckyRobin Says:

    Welcome. It can be done. It'll take time, patience, and a lot of dedication, but it can be done.

  14. Donna Says:

    Welcome. I'm a new poster here as well. You've come to a great place to help get and keep you on track. Just writing it out makes you accountable. Best wishes for your success.

  15. Foxie25 Says:

    Glad to meet ya. I am fairly new to this blogging thing to, but what a great venue to get frustrations and happiness out. Buckle down and stay focused and before you know it that debt will be a thing of the past.

  16. Byron T Says:

    I know from experience that it's tough to become and remain financially independent. You might check out The Old Money Book

    It's a short book, but really informative and fairly entertaining. It discusses the values, habits and priorities of people who've had wealth and privilege for several generations. Surprising insights.

    Best of luck on your journey!


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